HIPP: Modern C++ Toolkit for HPC

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HIPP is a HPC toolkit written in C++. It is still under active development. If you love C++ programming and scientific computation, you are welcome to join us. We are happy to receive any comment or suggestion from you.

The codes are hosted on Github. The documentation is available at Read-the-docs.

Main Features

Easy-and-fast MPI OOP Library : for example, send/recv and collective calls are as simple as:

int a;
float b[3];
vector<double> c(32);

comm.send(dest, tag, a);
comm.isend(dest, tag, b).wait();
comm.bcast(c, root);

Flexible IO Library: For example, scalar or array-like data can be written into HDF5 format by a single call of put:

short s;
vector<double> d10(10);
int i5[5];
long l34[3][4];
array<float, 3> f3;
vector<array<int, 3> > i83(8);

H5::DatasetManager dsets = H5::File("file.h5", "w").datasets();

dsets.put("s",      s);
dsets.put("d10",    d10);
dsets.put("i5",     i5);
dsets.put("l34",    l34);
dsets.put("f3",     f3);
dsets.put("i83",    i83);

Array of more complex structured type can also be written by a single call:

struct S {
     int a;
     double b[3];
     float c[2][3];
     array<array<long, 3>, 4> d;
 } data[10];

 HIPPIO_H5_XTABLE(S, a, b, c, d).write(data, "file.h5");

Optimized Algorithm Library: a KD-Tree can be constructed by:

KDTreeif<DIM, PAD> tree(points);

Flexible Numerical Library: a fixed-length vector can be created and manipulated like:

SVec<double, 4> v {1, 2, 3, 4};
v[v>2] += 10;
double sum = v[v>2].sum();
double norm = v.norm();

Other Features include:

  • View the objects by printing them, like pout << comm, " and ", tree;

  • Rigorly tested - Unit Tests are made for library components.

  • Full stack of abstraction layers - allowing quick-use with high-level API, and controlling library detail with low-level API.

How the Documentation is Organized

A high-level overview of how it is organized helps you know where to look for certain things:

  • Installation details how to get HIPP on your environment.

  • Quick Start gives you a first glance at how the library is organized and used.

  • The Tutorial of each module CNTL, MPI, IO, NUMERICAL, ALGORITHM, SIMD takes you by hand through a series of steps to work out specific tasks.

  • The API-Ref of each module CNTL, MPI, IO, NUMERICAL, ALGORITHM, SIMD lists details of the API, including how to use it and more technical issues.

Motivation of HIPP

There are many well-developed libraries for HPC written in C language. However, modern C++ provides elegant features to make these function calls more beautiful and more easy-to-use without loss of performance.

HIPP (HIgh-Performance Package for scientific computation) is designed to provide such elegant interfaces for some well-known HPC libraries. Some libraries are wrapped with full-OOP interfaces, and many new extensions based on those raw-interfaces are also provided. With HIPP, the length of your code can be significantly reduced, making your programming life more productive.
